Love is very powerful. Love is more powerful than hate. On September 11, 2001 the whole world saw the ugliness of hate poured out on NY, PA, and Washington DC. The people who attacked the USA were anti-American or against America. But love is more powerful than hate. Hate did not and will not win. Why? You will learn why in today’s devotional.

Today’s Scripture: 1 John 4:1-21
1) There are those who are for God and against God. If someone is against God is described as anti-God. In verses 1-6 John talks about those who are anti-Christ or against Jesus Christ. Find and write down as many things as you can from these verses that describe those who are Anti-Christ and For-Christ.


Anti Christ: Not from God (v. 6)

For Christ: From God 

2) Verse 4 describes children of God as “over comers”. The name for a famous tennis shoe comes from the same Greek word translated “over comer.” Do you know what it is? Nike. Why can Christians be “over comers” according to this verse?

3) Verses 7-21 talk about love. God wants us to love more. What do these verses teach us about love? Write as many things as you can find. Circle the one you want God to help you with most. Pray and ask for God’s help.

4) What do you think is the key verse in this chapter for you as a Christian and a missionary? Briefly tell why.

Day 6 of 7 from the 2020 Mission Discovery Devotional