Read Acts 2:37-41, 4:4
Do miracles still happen? What do you think of when you hear the word “miracle?” Using the above mentioned scriptures let’s look at a few facts. The disciples were extremely discouraged. The one they thought was the liberator of Israel had been crucified, laid to rest in a tomb, and then 3 days later he showed up at their prayer meeting. Jesus stays with them for 40 days and then he departs and returns to heaven. Once again the disciples were left standing there scratching their heads.
Some time later in a prayer meeting they have an awesome encounter with God that radically changes them. They experience His Holy Spirit and they become different people. Peter spoke a few God ordained words at a God ordained time, and the results were that 3,000 people believed in the name of Jesus Christ.
God has placed you here on this mission trip for a very special reason. Like the disciples, things may not be “working” our like you thought they would. You may be way out of your “comfort zone,” and even wondering why you came on this mission trip. Let me assure you that you are in an environment for the miraculous to occur. The definition of miracle is “a supernatural intervention in the natural realm.” Do you need a supernatural intervention of God in your life? Will the outcome be that 3,000 believe in the name of Jesus Christ? Will one believe? Will you believe?