
What is included in DOMESTIC trip cost?

By |2024-05-28T16:28:46-04:00January 31, 2024||

The trip cost includes: trip deposit, food, lodging, construction supplies, emergency medical insurance, a t-shirt and a devotional. What is not included: flight, ground transportation, any spending money you may need, and $37 for a background check (plus specific state and county [...]

How do I sign up?

By |2024-01-31T07:57:14-05:00January 31, 2024||

Click the LEARN MORE button at the top of this page. Fill in your information. Our team will contact you with an email with directions for how to sign up. We will follow up with you about project details and a payment [...]

Do I pay all at once?

By |2024-01-31T07:54:21-05:00January 31, 2024||

No. We break the trip cost into three payments. Here is what a typical payment schedule looks like. $100 per volunteer deposit is due 30 days after you register. Half of the remaining balance will be due 90 days prior to the [...]

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