It’s a night the Nashville community will not soon forget. Many people were asleep when the tornado ripped a path along Interstate 40. The storm claimed the lives of over 20 people and left a path of destruction 50 miles long. Mission Discovery offices are located just North of the city. Though no damage was sustained by our office, many of our partners around the city were affected.


We are calling on any mission teams to plan to volunteer in a Nashville mission trip this Summer and Fall. Here is how you can help.

Volunteer in Nashville

If you see dates online for our Nashville Mission Trips, please sign up. If you do not see dates listed, you can still serve Nashville. If you have a group of 20 or more we can work on dates that fit your schedule. If you don’t have a group of 20 or more, find 19 friends and make a group. We would love to serve Nashville with you.

Donate to help Nashville

If you cannot volunteer, consider a donation. CLICK HERE to donate and when asked, make a note that this is for the Tornado efforts in Nashville.

Pray for Nashville

As I write this, the reported number of deaths is 9 people. Their families and friends need us to come together and pray for them. There are over 40 structures that were completely leveled because of the tornado. Countless more were damaged. Pray for hope and healing for those affected.

View Nashville Trips