Since the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, mission trips to Haiti have increased in popularity. Many volunteers who have been with Mission Discovery to serve in Port au Prince or Port de Paix remember their experiences and want to go back. Mission Discovery’s work in Haiti is extensive and continues to this day, but without volunteer teams to assist due to violence in the country.
So what’s next? When will we resume our mission trips to Haiti? Mission Discovery staff members get questions like these weekly, and the best answer we can provide is one to remember in all areas of our lives: In God’s timing.
It’s not always easy for us to rest in God’s timing. It’s especially difficult for those of us who have been to Haiti and have a heart for the people there. We are learning that the primary way to help our Haitian brothers and sisters is to be in constant prayer for them.
To better understand how to pray for Haiti, let’s take a look at what is currently happening there:
What’s happening in Haiti
1. The political situation is unstable, with protests and violence happening regularly.
2. The economic situation continues to be difficult, with an estimated 60% of the population living in poverty.
3. Natural disasters continually hit the nation causing devastating damage.
4. The church in Haiti is growing and there is a great need for more resources to be able to reach their community.
5. Gangs kidnap people for ransom, including American missionaries.
These are just a few examples of what our ministry partners are facing on a daily basis. Please keep them in your prayers, as well as the communities they serve, who are living in these difficult circumstances.
God is still at work in Haiti and we believe He will continue to use Mission Discovery even in these challenging times. Take a look at the many different ways you can help our HOLD the Children program in Haiti.
Through prayer, we are asking God for wisdom and guidance so that the Mission Discovery teams can be properly prepared to serve in Haiti when God leads us there. We will continue reviewing our safety protocols with every trip and review our travel advisory system regularly.
We encourage you to partner with us in prayer. Here are some specific things to pray for:
How to pray for Haiti
1. That the political situation would stabilize and violence would stop.
2. That the economic situation would improve for the majority of Haitians.
3. That natural disasters would not cause such significant damage in the future.
4. That the church in Haiti would grow and become strong, and that there would be more resources available to them for ministry.
5. That God’s will would be done in all areas of life for Haitian believers.
6. That God would provide solutions for present and future problems in Haiti.
7. That all people would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, regardless of who they are or where they live.
8. That you will trust God’s plan and timing in your own life and share his love with others through the gifts he has given you, no matter how large or small.
9. That God would continue to use Mission Discovery as a support ministry for Haitian churches and their communities.
It’s not an easy thing to just sit back and wait on God’s answer, but the reality is that our presence in Haiti is not the only way we are able to help. We must remember that the work God does there is not contingent on us and our ability to go in and “fix things.” He is still at work, despite the difficult circumstances.
Please continue to pray for Haiti and keep updated with our website and social media pages as we will be sharing prayer requests and updates frequently.
The needs in Haiti are great, but we have hope.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33a
And just as a reminder… Haiti isn’t our mission…it’s His!