Today (8/28/2017) in a Bloomberg News’ article written with assistance by Katherine Chiglinsky

“Harvey’s cost could mount to $30 billion when including the impact of relentless flooding on the labor force, power grid, transportation and other elements that support the region’s energy sector,” Chuck Watson, a disaster modeler with Enki Research, said in an email Monday. That would place it among the top eight hurricanes to ever strike the U.S. David Havens, an insurance analyst at Imperial Capital, said the final tally might be as high as $100 billion.

Less than a third of Harvey’s losses are likely to be insured, Watson said.

Mission Discovery adult teams will respond with God’s hand of compassion in impacted areas of Houston and Corpus Christi. This is an adult only effort at this time. You may need to provide your own housing in the form of a tent or motor home and be prepared with your own food supply for up to 5 work days.

With over 20 years of mission trip experience Mission Discovery volunteers have been part of Hurricane Andrew, Sandy and Katrina recovery efforts.

“It is very bad flooding, rivaling the Katrina disaster in some cases,” Brett Rossio, a meteorologist with AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania, said by phone, referring to the 2005 disaster centered in neighboring Louisiana. “Some places will get greater than 30 inches; this is very deep, tropical moisture that is lifting northward.” Bloomberg says.

Due to the changing nature of a recovery effort your trip may include any of the following: food distribution, cooking, covering roofs, clearing mud, removing drywall and furnishings, working in a shelter.

Mission Discovery teams are not first responders, we are recovery volunteers who focus on helping homeowners return to their homes. At the time of this article the Houston Police Chief reports that there are 185 critical rescue requests still pending. Our volunteers will wait until waters recede and rescue efforts are complete.

If you would like to volunteer with Mission Discovery for future Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts with Mission Discovery please complete the popup form and click “Sign Up”. We will place you on an email list so that you are the first to know dates of our efforts to serve.