Packing for any trip can be tricky. Packing for an international mission trip can be really overwhelming! What you will take with you on an international mission trip to Jamaica can be different than what you might take on a summer mission trip to Mexico. Do some research about the place you will be visiting and try to determine what you can expect with climate and conditions. Also keep in mind:


  • Your accommodations (will you be staying in homes, huts or tents?)
  • Access to plumbing
  • The type of work your mission trip involves.

As you consider each of these points, others will come to mind. Add these to the list and try to determine what you will need to make your international mission trip a healthy one! Imagine yourself in a humid, tropical climate with boiling temperatures and constant rain. What if you were sleeping in a hammock in a hut? What would make it easier to care for and educate children? You get the picture. As items come to mind, make a master list of things to pack.

Beyond bringing over-the-counter stomach aids and antibiotics, ask your doctor or pharmacist for a general anti-nausea medicine in case you do get a tummy-bug. Keep all medicines, supplements in original bottles as much as possible. Pills in plastic bags can look suspicious. Buy smaller bottles and take these with you.

Consider buying a small first aid kit. It could really help you or one of your team members in case of a small medical issue on your summer mission trip.


allergy medicine

pain medicines – Tylenol or Ibuprofen

feminine care products

wash cloth


toothbrush and toothpaste

hand sanitizer for times when you can’t wash your hands with water

baby wipes in small packs to take with you and to use if for some reason you can’t get a shower

rubber flip-flops (a good idea for showering)

A sunscreen with a high SPF is essential, as is heavy-duty insect repellent.

Mission Discovery has downloads available to help you plan for staying healthy as a volunteer abroad. If this is your first mission trip, check in with your team leader to make sure you have all the information you’ll need to get and stay in optimal health for your summer mission trip!