Re Post: Don Schreier, Mission Trip Perspective: Perspective makes all the difference in the world. A story is told of a weary business man riding a crowded subway one evening. There was a young woman sitting across from him with two small children who were misbehaving. This annoyed the man and most others near the noisy commotion. What bothered him as much as the children’s bad behavior was the mother’s lack of oversight – she stared straight ahead like she was in a trance. Finally the man could take it no longer and demanded the mother take control her children. The woman lifted her head as though being awakened from a deep sleep and looked at the man and then her children. She spoke firmly to her children and they immediately sat down and became quiet. She then apologized to those around her saying, “I’m sorry for my children’s behavior. I can’t seem to focus – I just left the hospital. My husband was in a terrible accident and is badly hurt.” The man who was so full of anger now felt great pity for this woman and wanted to somehow help. Perspective makes a difference.

Few things adjust one’s perspective like a mission trip. Poverty seen on TV is different from serving those who live in poverty – the smells, sights, and sounds leave a lasting impression on one’s soul. Reading about HIV/AIDS can be informational but helping one infected with AIDS is inspirational. Sharing the love of Christ Jesus with the needy in both actions and words impacts the heart like nothing else can.

Summer mission projects begin soon. Students and adults will reach out to help the poor and needy across the USA, Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa. They go to serve and in the process – God tinkers with their perspective on the world. Many students come home with a broken heart for the poor and a greater desire to serve the needy. Most are thankful for their families and their opportunities. It’s amazing what a change of perspective can have on one’s life.