Freeing Yourself From Yourself.
A closer look into the lyrics of Bob Marley.
He steps into the lights and the look on his face confirms an idea, he knows this song is bigger than him. The guitar chimes in, but there is no need for drums or bass or anything else. Sometimes the most powerful message doesn’t need much to be heard. It’s strength lies in it’s simplicity.
“Redemption Song” is my favorite of all the Marley tunes that continue to ring loud across the Island of Jamaica. It speaks of a people that have been broken, devalued, and taken advantage of. And in the midst of that suffering he sings, “But my hand was made strong by the hand of The Almighty.”
The second verse is mystifying. It’s a challenge for people to free themselves from the mental slavery that came out of their physical slavery. “None but ourselves can free our minds.”
There are things in life that bind us. Once something digs it’s claws into us, it is hard to escape, even if the problem isn’t a problem anymore.
She made the phone call and escaped to her sisters house just in time. The abuse had become too much. That was 2 years ago, and she hasn’t looked at a man the same since. To her, the abuse never stopped.
And he gave up alcohol 2 years ago, but any time he sees the condensation on the outside of a bottle he remembers that taste. It’s a taste that has ruined his life more than once before.
And she remembers the words “Apply Yourself” on an art project from middle school. She failed the class. She’s now 28 years old and hides herself and her feelings from others. She doesn’t realize there is a creative monster inside, begging for another chance.
Jesus wants us to be completely free in Him. Does your mind have you incarcerated, keeping you from that freedom? Take the words from the great lyricist Bob Marley, “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.”
May you come to a deeper understanding this week that God is with you, and for you, and very very close to you.
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