What If?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes what ifs hold me back.

When faced with a decision, or even an exciting and God-honoring opportunity, there are always endless amounts of possibilities to consider. I recently shared some fears/what ifs with a friend about pursuing a specific opportunity and somehow missing out on something else that God has for me by following through with said opportunity.

I was talking on the phone with this friend just the other day and she made a statement that I seemed to hear for the first time. “What if this opportunity is the exact circumstance God wants to use to bring about the very thing you’re afraid of missing out on?” What if?

And with that simple statement, I breathed a sigh of relief.

We serve the God of the impossible. Impossible is where He starts. He uses the most unlikely circumstances and opportunities, even the what ifs, to bring about his awesomely perfect plan. And for that I am so grateful.