Video: Courtney Carrigan // A Ministry Update from HOLD the Children
What’s the Latest News HOLD the Children?
This week, we have an update from Courtney Carrigan, director of Mission Discovery’s child sponsorship program, HOLD the Children. HOLD has 12 different schools. The majority of those schools are in Haiti. We have six different schools along the Northern coast of Port de Paix, one school in Cap-Haitien, and two schools just outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. For the most part, all of our Haiti schools are up and running smoothly with classrooms full of students. Teachers are back to teaching and the students are learning.
Earlier in February, in the Port au Prince area, there was quite a bit of civil unrest causing some violent riots. So the Port-au-Prince area did shut down and go on lockdown. Because of this, our Port au Prince schools have been closed for part of the month of February. So please pray with us that peace returns to Haiti, specifically to Port au Prince. Pray that students are able to go back to school and that the country reopens safely.
We have two HOLD the Children schools in Jamaica. One is the Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf. Click Here for an extensive update on that school. They do have students there. They had to make a lot of adjustments and meet certain requirements by the government in order to be able to reopen. And thankfully they were able to make all of those things happen so that students can return and can learn there in person. So we’re very grateful for that.
We have a small preschool in Jamaica called Victory Christian Fellowship Preschool. That’s looking to reopen and have students return later this month. So we are hopeful that will happen and students will be learning once again in that location as well.
Over in Guatemala, we have our Kairos Christian School, and that’s our only HOLD school that has had to go completely virtual. They have not had students in their school building since March of last year. But, the school director and the teaching staff there have done a phenomenal job of making a way for the students to learn from home. So students there are learning virtually, and in some cases, family members, specifically parents, are even learning right alongside their kiddos, which is pretty great.
Through HOLD the Children, we also have an orphanage on the Northern coast of Haiti where about 45 children live. Our orphanage is up and running smoothly. It’s full of life and laughter. Students there are going to school and living life. If you are looking for a specific way to help, would you look towards giving to our HOLD orphanage? That’s a location that is constantly in need. The kids are growing and they are in need of their tuition fees, their school uniforms and supplies, and even just the daily expenses of food and medical care. We also take care of the staff that works in the home. So if you’d like more details or have any specific questions about how to help, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you so much.