We recently spent a week in Nassau, Bahamas with some lovely folks. We served in one of the largest public schools in the area. Sadie Curtis Primary School has almost 1,000 students in attendance and every single one of them got to hear the Gospel during our week there.

We also served at All Saints AIDS Camp. There, individuals living with AIDS are in community with one another and are also well cared for. We did a little work around their grounds, but mostly we spent time getting to know the residents. We played dominoes, laughed, and heard all kinds of neat life stories.

Here are a few things some of our students said at the end of their mission trip week:

“I’m a skeptic. When we were doing our missions Bible classes, we had to pray for something miraculous, but I never believed it could happen. I feel a little like I missed the miracles this week. But what I found miraculous in myself this week, was that I wasn’t in control, God was. God was leading me to do what he asked of me. The take away is that I let God decide this week, and I can see all the work he has done throughout the week.” -Nick

“The opportunity to share my testimony with you guys and also with the last sixth grade class today has been incredible. One girl at Sadie Curtis asked me ‘What did you do to get rid of the depression?’ and I told her all about Jesus. Later she told me that the reason she asked that question is because it’s something she struggles with. I prayed for her and she started crying. And it was a really special moment. I have to tell my story more. ” -Judith

“In the planetarium yesterday, I asked Jesus into my heart and am trusting Him now. Earlier I think he was telling me to share my testimony in one of the classes and I did, and I feel like he was telling me to share now.” -Taletha

At the end of the mission trip week, two of our American students gave their lives to Christ. They were so touched by all they saw and experienced, they couldn’t help but respond to the Gospel.

You just never know how God will use a week long mission trip to change lives for all eternity.

*We’d love for your group to join us in Nassau for our June 26-July 2, 2016 mission trip! Click here for more info or call us at 800-767-8720!