It has been a terrible few days for the citizens of Waverly, Tennessee. The town was hit with devastating floods that left many people without homes and possessions. At this moment, 18 people are confirmed dead and more are missing. It’s difficult to understand the enormity of this event, but our hearts go out to all those involved.

Waverly is just about 100 miles from Mission Discovery headquarters. Since we are so close to the site of the tragedy, many wonder how we can help the victims of the floods. As rescue efforts are still underway and handled by first responders, our best position is to step back and make space for them. Once it is safe, our team will evaluate the best course of action.

Here are three ways you can help residents in Waverly, Tennessee right now.


We stress the importance of prayer all the time at Mission Discovery. Prayer is powerful and is desperately needed right now. If you don’t know how to pray for those in need, see How to Pray for Waverly, Tennessee, and join us as we pray.


You can help them by donating to relief organizations like Samaritan’s Purse or the Red Cross. These organizations are modeled specifically for disaster relief and can allocate the funds you give specifically for people affected by the floods in Waverly.


When the time comes to get involved, you can help by volunteering your time. It is possible that Mission Discovery will have a mission trip opportunity there, but if we do not we may be able to help you find a way to be involved.

Our hearts go out to the people of Waverly, Tennessee and their families. They are experiencing one of the worst disasters the town has seen in recent history. It is not possible for us to serve there now but we want you to know that other opportunities exist if you’re interested. We have compiled a list of mission trips that need more volunteers. Please take a look at this list and find an opportunity where you can make a difference!