On every Mission Discovery mission trip, we begin the morning together in God’s word. One speaker is chosen to give the word of the day so that everyone else can meditate on the Scripture. Our hope is that volunteers engage in group discussions throughout the day and in their small groups.

Since the way ministry is being done has shifted, our goal is to serve by creating resources that will help others focus on God throughout the day, and influence family and small group discussion.

Join us every weekday as we explore God’s word together. We will have speakers from all over the US and the world. Here is today’s Kickstart Devotional.


Video: Hayli Dick // What are you choosing to focus on? 


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What are you choosing to focus on? 

Mission Discovery Mission Trips with Hayli Dick

Hayli Dick currently lives in Oceanside, CA with her family while her husband is stationed there.  She has previously been on three mission trips with Mission Discovery to Jamaica.

Good morning. My name is Hayli and I am recording from Oceanside California. My husband is in the Marine Corps and so we’re stationed in Camp Pendleton. And I’m connected to Mission Discovery because I had the opportunity of serving with them in Jamaica three times.

And I really miss those trips especially right now when you can’t travel anywhere and things are a little bit out of sorts. But I love the community of Mission Discovery and so I’m thankful for the devotionals and the Thursday night worships that they’ve been having. But, today I wanted to focus on Proverbs 3, verses 5 and 6 and it says

“Trust the Lord with all your heart and you do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

That verse means a lot to me. My dad used to give us a blessing, at the end of every day and that was one of the verses that he would pray over us.

And it’s so deep when you think about it just, at first. I grew up just, I mean, I didn’t really understand it. But the more, the older I’ve gotten and the more I’ve said it now I started praying it over my daughter. It just there’s so much packed in there and especially in times of uncertainty like we’re in now.

Whether it’s because of the corona virus or anything else that’s in your immediate world. There’s always a place to grow more, deeper in your trust with God. And so personally for us we are as a family we’re getting prepared for a deployment in the near future, likely in November. But it could be sooner or could be a little bit later.

In anyways, God has really been asking me where my focus is. And what I’m choosing to let grow in my life because what I focus on is what’s going to grow and flourish and if I focus too much on fear or not trusting God, then, it puts me in a very negative place. And so, if you go up to Proverbs 3, verse 3 it also says

“do not let kindness and truth leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

And so in these times I just wanted to encourage everyone. To make sure that they’re intentional about where their focus is.

I have a story about my daughter, she’s nine months old and we were outside playing and there’s some lawnmowers that were going by and they were really loud and they scared her. And so, she kept looking at me like, is it okay mom? These are really loud I’m kind of scared, but I don’t really know what’s going on.

And so, I just kept reassuring her, like its okay, I’m right here. You don’t need worry, they’re not gonna hurt you. They’ll be done mowing soon, don’t worry about it and I’ve got you, I’m here. And God really spoke to me in that moment. And he just told me like Hayli, like keep looking at me like your daughter is looking at you.

If you look at me like that and you constantly look to me for assurance that everything’s okay, that I’ve got this. Then, my focus and how I’ll be able to function will be much better. If I am relying and trusting that my Heavenly Father has all this taken care of. And so that’s just what I wanted to encourage you today is.

What are you choosing to focus on? And I would encourage you to, let it be God. To let him reassure you. Of his plan and what he has for you because he’ll take care of you. He loves you. And so I just want to close this out in prayer and then that will be it.

Heavenly Father, we come before you today and I just want to thank you Lord for the opportunity to talk about you, Lord and just encourage others. Lord, thank you for all the many blessings that you give us. And no matter where anyone is in their walk with you or in life right now or circumstances, I just ask that they would learn to trust you more and rely on you more today. Lord help us to choose to focus on you and let you reassure us that you got this all under control. Thank you Lord, for your love and for your patience with us as we continue to seek you and Your plan, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

So my question to you is today, what are you going to choose to focus on?