Read Mark 10:35-45; Luke 10:30-37

Servanthood is everyone’s job!

Servanthood can be described as – disinterested benevolence.  Disinterested is not what you may be thinking.  The word here does not mean not interested.  Disinterested in this context means “not receiving any benefit from.”  Better expressed, it is an act of benevolence that doesn’t benefit me!

I believe that is the “Jesus style” of doing things.  To serve those in need and not expect any benefit!  Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”  The heart of the matter is that to live and walk in the Jesus style, you have to serve.  That’s why you are on this mission trip.  You came to serve and not to expect any benefit from it.  Something touched your heart and moved you to action.  Perhaps you may feel like you are not valuable to your team right now.  Unable to work, not strong enough, not tall enough, some reason that you feel like you can’t contribute to the team.  Perhaps you are here for something other than working on the construction project.  What if you were called on this trip to love the unlovely, to hold a child no one wants to touch or to comfort…someone who is grieving?

Servanthood isn’t so much what you do, but more of who you are.  Do you pick up and put down servanthood as a task to be checked off your list of good things to do today?  Servanthood is a lifestyle that conforms us into the image of Christ!

  1. Which area of the mission trip do you find most difficult to serve in?
  2. What is the one thing you can change today to become more servanthood focused?
  3. How would you pray for God to give you a servant’s heart?

Day 4 of 7  from the 2011 Mission Discovery Devotional