Luke 5:11 “As soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.” You may be too busy to read this today but most of us need to read this anyway. Why? Because going home and remembering is the hardest part of this trip. You probably went through a “boatload” of emotions. You may have made commitments to God to serve the poor or maybe to do the right things – His things – to your parents, your brother(s), sister(s), your friends, or maybe even your church. You fill in the blank.

What you have experienced here in these poor and dirty places will mean the most when you land at home and live His life, His way. Your emotions will come and go, like the disciples did after enough time had passed. Home is where the real you lives. He wants you to follow Him there first so He can lead you, a better you, to more places later.

For Later…

Matthew 4:19

Psalms 71:5

Mark 8:34

2 Timothy 2:22

Romans 15:5

1 Timothy 4:12

Day 7 of 7 from the 2008 Mission Discovery Devotional