Read Acts 27

What are you taking home with you? No, we’re not talking about the bug bites, rash, sunburn, and the suitcase full of smelly clothes (Surprise Mom! I’m home!) This past week has been a gift from God. He has rocked your world and shaken your heart. You experienced the pain and poverty of the poor and may be asking, “How come I have so much and they have so little?” or “Why wasn’t I born here in this poverty?”

God allows us to experience these hard situations in life to help us re-evaluate ourselves. You may have brought some “baggage” along on this trip that needs to be left here…at the foot of Calvary’s cross. Your baggage may include bad attitudes…thoughts…habits…or grudges against others. This “baggage” can become so heavy that it threatens to sink life’s ship. Baggage property thrown overboard brings freedom that can only come from God.

Read Acts 27:

Paul’s ship was caught in hurricane-force winds. What did the crew do to save the ship? (vs. 9-19)

God allowed Paul to go through the storm. How did he survive? (vs 20-44)

God allows us to go through storms too. Even though they are difficult, God promises to be with us. Write out Joshua 1:8-9.

When we see and experience difficulties, like the ones you’ve seen on this mission trip, we can more clearly see our own “baggage.” How does 1 John 1:9 say to throw it overboard? Start throwing!

Read James 5:16. Talk with someone you trust about the new thoughts and feelings you are taking home from this trip.

Day 7 of 7 from the 2010 Mission Discovery Devotional