Read Luke 5:1-3

“On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on Him to hear the word of God…”

We are constantly “pressing in” (making things priorities). Some will “press in” by waiting in line at Best Buy to get the newest game console. Others might do it by making sure they are home just in time to catch their favorite singer on American Idol. Still, others might “press in” by staying up and talking on the phone with the newest love of their life.

While everyday events such as the ones mentioned above take precedence in our lives, we often miss what we should really be pressing in on; Hearing the word of God. In Luke 5:1; we learn that this was true for the people following Jesus. The crowds that followed Jesus were so taken by His words and miracles that they wanted to keep Him for themselves…receiving His divine healings and hearing what God wanted to teach them. Today, as Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can hear from God by “pressing in” on His scripture, talking with Him, or being taught by other believers.

What things are you “pressing in on” in your life?

Why should we want to hear from God?

Day 3 of 7 from the 2008 Mission Discovery Devotional